Criminal Justice

    Essay Assignment

    Your essay assignment for this lesson will be twofold. Your assignment will primarily focus on the death penalty; however, as this is your final assignment in this course, the assessment will also ask you to showcase in a separate paragraph your knowledge of another correctional area of your choice (see the assignment below). As always, your grade will be based on how you respond to each question contained within the broader essay assignment. Please note that unlike your other assignments this course, this last assignment is worth 100 points (rather than 50 points).

    Your assignment: You have learned that the death penalty is reserved for the “worst of the worst” and is limited to the sphere of capital crimes. In your own words, what do you think the phrase “worst of the worst” means within the context of the death penalty, and how has the Supreme Court’s position on this ultimate sanction evolved over the years? What legal precautions now exist to ensure the death sentence is not arbitrarily imposed and those who suffer this outcome, by law, deserve such an outcome? Also, discuss your own position on the death sentence and provide arguments that support your position. (You must integrate supporting data from both this lesson’s video clips and the written content contained in “Approaching the Objectives.”)

    In a separate paragraph(s), select a career position from the list below (covered during this course) that interacts with the correctional process. Indicate which field you would find most interesting or rewarding, and explain how you feel your own talents, skills, and educational or life experiences would make you an effective agent of change in your chosen position. Indicate how your selected profession interacts with the correctional system and the purpose it serves in correcting or changing human behavior or reducing the occurrence of recidivism. (Assume for the sake of argument the pay level for all these positions is the same even though, of course, they do vary widely.):

    Probation or parole officer
    Mental-health or substance-abuse counselor
    Corrections officer
    Halfway house owner/operator
    Pre-trial (prosecution) diversion program coordinator
    Criminal court Judge
    Your total essay should be 750-1,000 words, 5 to 7 pages (not including cover page and reference page), and double spaced with a font size of 10 to 12 pt. Refer to the Grading Rubric PDF for essay grading standards. Submit your essay to your instructor. Make sure you indicate which prompt you are answering.

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    Lesson 8 Essay -100 points

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