Crimes and Clues

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    Crimes and Clues.  This assignment is not rooted in the textbook.  Research three different subjects found in the Crimes and Clues web site (  When you open the website you will find the following headings on the RIGHT side of the screen: Recent Post and Categories.  Opening either heading will lead to different investigative subjects.  Choose three different subjects to research and discuss.  Two research references are required for each investigative subject.

    Research References:  In addition to the assigned textbook, a minimum of two research references are required (some assignments may require more than two research references) for each Discussion and Dropbox assignment after the first week of class.  Research references may come from the World Wide Web, library, other textbooks, individuals currently employed or retired from the criminal justice system, and other valid resources.  All research references must be listed with each assignment.  Research references must identify the specific web site from which information was obtained.  Five points are deducted when research references are not appropriately listed.  Listing a generic web site is not acceptable such as, etc.  Dictionaries are helpful for learning the meaning of words, but not as a valid research reference.

    Discussions: Each week you will be assigned a topic to discuss in the Discussion area.  Discussion topics may or may not be rooted in the textbook.  You are expected to thoroughly research the assigned topic before posting your Discussion comments, and you must include your references with your posting.  You are also expected to respond to other student postings.  Your posting should be submitted in paragraph form (rules of grammar and writing do apply) by midnight Central Standard Time Wednesday of each week.

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