Crime Scene Analysis: Criminalist BPA mock case report and see the listed evidence items in the report

    • View the Bloodstain Pattern scene video.
    • Read the Criminalist BPA mock case report and see the listed evidence items in the report (which match the evidence seen in the video).. Criminalist report is attached to this assignment.
    • Read AOJ 202 Bloodstain Pattern Mock Scene Analysis document. Use this document to analyze this case. Answer the questions at the bottom of the document.
    1. List the direct and circumstantial evidence of this case. List the scientific evidence of this case.
    2. Who should the Prosecutor call as a witness and why (list all witnesses that should be called by the Prosecutor)?
    3. Would any witnesses be voir dired? Explain.

    4. How would the prosecutor lay the foundation for the evidence in this case?

    5. Does Krueger have a privileged relationship with Ingalls? Could Ingalls testify against Krueger if she works out a deal with the Prosecution? Explain.

    6. What evidence should the defense try to get thrown out and why?

    7. What type of cross-examination should the defense use against the prosecution witnesses (list the name of the witness & the strategy that the defense should use when cross-examining the witness. Assume Ingalls is a witness for the Prosecution.)

    8. Would character be an issue that the defense would want to bring up against any of the Prosecution witnesses? Explain.

    9. Do you believe the jury would find Krueger guilty beyond a reasonable doubt? Explain why you feel this way. If Ingalls can’t work out a deal with the Prosecution, do you think she would be found guilty? Explain.
    10. If there is a conviction, do you see any issues that might be brought up in appeals? Explain.

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