Creating a Social Program

    Creating a Social Program

    Pretend that you have the power and capacity to create an agency or organization, and from that you decide to create a new social program. You need funding and decide to write to a national organization that provides grants for programs such as the one you want to create. questions the organization would ask.


    • Problem to be addressed:

    o What is the problem?
    o What are the demographics?
    o Why do you want to address this problem?
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    • Analysis:

    o What are the causes and consequences?
    o What are the ideologies and values, if any?
    o Who are the gainers and losers?

    • Policy Elements:

    o Mission, goals, and objectives
    o Benefits and services
    o Eligibility rules
    o Service delivery
    o What is the theory and specification? (Create either an outline and/or a program design using the examples in Ch. 7 on pp. 142-144 of Social Policy and Social Programs as a guide.)

    • Financing:

    o What will your budget be?

    • Staff, training, and salary
    • Supplies and equipment
    • Travel
    • Rent or lease payment and utilities
    • Benefits and services for program recipients
    • How will you pay for the program?
    • How will you be accountable for funds?

    • Staffing

    o What types of employees will you look for?
    o What are the rules for employees or social workers?

    • Evaluation

    o How will you evaluate success or failure?




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