Create an electronic portfolio about hunger problem in US

    This semester you will create an electronic portfolio about hunger problem in US. You will collect reports, news stories, data, and other information from the news media throughout the semester that is related to hunger problems in US. You should include materials that would help a reader understand the hunger problems in US from a variety of perspectives. Materials included in the portfolio should help an audience with little knowledge of the hunger problems in US and better understand the context, interventions, possible solutions, and the future.
    Portfolio Introduction: This will be the first page of your portfolio. To begin the portfolio, you are required to write up to one page on why you selected this particular topic as your focus for the portfolio.( I have already selected the topic, it is hunger problems in US) This will be a personal response. For instance, you might explain how you’ve been interested in learning more about educational policy since you volunteered at a school, or that you’ve wanted to further examine policies and programs related to aging in place because your grandmother is dealing with this issue, and so on. Give some indication as to why this is an important topic worthy of your research.
    I have already finished the first Entries, It is an example.
    Portfolio Entries: The intent of this portfolio is to allow you to gather information (as stated above) on hunger problems in US. These entries should follow the guidelines listed below: Social Issue/Policy Portfolio Assignment Guidelines Social Work 1120Portfolios will consist of a minimum of 10 entries. Entries may consist of text (i.e. articles from newspapers, websites, magazines, etc.); audio visual (i.e. video clips of TV news programs); or audio (i.e. podcasts, radio news programs, etc.). You are required to have a mix of media. No more than 30% (3/10) of the entries should consists of old content. In other words, the majority of the content should be current and should have been created/posted after the start of the semester/term. Consider the various perspectives you include and try to keep the portfolio as balanced and well rounded as possible. In other words, consider all sides of an IPP.
    Each entry should consist of the following: 1. Source and link (or text). Where was it retrieved from and when? (original source and date) Include the date it was created/posted/written, NOT the date you read it or found it online. The link should be fully operational at the time of submission. 2. Why did you decide to include it? What value does it add to the portfolio? How does it help one better understand the IPP? (Should be answered in about a paragraph.) 3. Provide a brief summary of the piece. What is the main point of the piece? (This should be a short, up to 10-sentence paragraph.) 4. Depending on the nature of your entry (i.e. if it is about a policy or program meant to address the problem, or if it is about the social problem itself) answer at least one of the following that you believe to be the most relevant and appropriate. (Questions should be answered briefly in approximately 1 – 3 paragraphs.) a. How does this relate to the history and/or development of social welfare policies/programs in this area? b. What is role of the federal and/or state government in the passage/implementation of the identified policy/program? c. What ideologies, theories, paradigms, values and/or beliefs are demonstrated in this entry? d. Identify the financial, organizational and administrative structures that influence the delivery of the described social service. e. Discuss how forms and mechanisms of poverty, oppression and/or discrimination are impacted by this policy/program. f. Discuss how this IPP helps to empower at-risk and vulnerable populations.

    General Summary/Reflection
    The portfolio project will end with a general summary of your personal reflections on what you learned on.

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