Create a project/research (outline)/Market Survey Project Plan Sheet

    Create a project/research (outline)/Market Survey Project Plan Sheet

    · Who will read the market survey? (investors, business associates, product manufacturer, service provider, etc.?)

    · How will reader(s) use the survey?

    · How will your audience guide your survey choices?


    · What is the purpose of the project?

    · What need will the project meet? What problem can it help solve or what advantage will it bring?

    · What is the project’s subject matter?

    · How technical should the discussion of the subject matter be?

    · Do you have sufficient information to complete the project? If not, what sources or people can help you to locate additional information?

    · What title will most clearly reflect the project’s subject and purpose?


    · Will the project be a collaborative or an individual effort?

    · How can the project developer(s) evaluate the success of the completed project?

    Project Design and Specifications

    · Are there models for organization or forms for such a survey?

    · In what medium will the results be presented?

    · Are there any special features the project should have?

    · Will the project require graphics or other visuals? If so, what kinds and for what purpose?

    · What information design features can best help the project’s audience? Will there be an Introduction indicating subject, scope, and purpose? Recommendations or applications?

    Due Date

    · What is the final deadline for the completed project?

    · How long will the project take to plan, research, draft, revise, and complete?

    · What is the timeline for the different stages of the project?

    Just finish the answers above. Paper will be later on.

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