Create a 4-point performance rubric for discussion post participation

    Create a 4-point performance rubric for discussion post participation. A 4-point performance rubric will have 4 levels of evaluation:

    90-100% A/Excellent, 80-89% B/Good, 70-79% C/Needs Some Improvement, 60% and below Needs Work.

    Using your rubric, evaluate your own overall participation in the discussion forums during this course.

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    Criteria for the rubric should include at least the following: application of course content, adequately addressing the post criteria, responding to classmates and any additional criteria you believe should be included.

    Grading Criteria Maximum Points
    Creates a 4-point performance rubric for discussion post participation with descriptive detail. 30
    Rubric criteria includes application of course content clearly and succinctly. 20
    Rubric criteria adequately addresses the post criteria and response to classmates as well as any additional criteria you believe should be included. 20
    Writing is coherent and concise. Proper writing, spelling and punctuation used. 10
    Total 100

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