CPA Licensure Instructions Compare and contrast the CPA

    CPA Licensure
    Compare and contrast the CPA licensure laws for Arkansas with those from two other states of your choice. Compare and contrast the CPA licensure laws and regulations for Arkansas with those from two other states of your choice. Arkansas law and Board Rules can be found online at
    Note: Board Rule 3.2 describes education requirements for taking the exam. State laws and regulations differ in many different aspects not limited to education requirements
    CPA Licensure
    Compare and contrast the CPA licensure laws for Arkansas with those from two other states of your choice. Compare and contrast the CPA licensure laws and regulations for Arkansas with those from two other states of your choice. Arkansas law and Board Rules can be found online at
    Note: Board Rule 3.2 describes education requirements for taking the exam. State laws and regulations differ in many different aspects not limited to education requirements


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