Course Project number 2 for mathguy18 only big one

    Guidelines and Questions for Part 2 Due Week 7
    After you have finished assessing the details in your newly obtained client list also called your book of business you met with your manager Casey. In your meeting you discussed your report which was Part 1 of the project (turned in during Week 4). Casey provided you with some feedback and has now asked you to take the steps in the planning process to work with these clients to meet an established quota.
    Casey notified all of the accounts by e-mail that you will be contacting them soon. She wants to meet with you at the end of the week to discuss the pre-approach to your new contacts and discuss your strategies for moving them through the pipeline. Using the metric report you created in Part 1 and Chapters 10 through 15 answer each of the following questions in a report form for your meeting with Casey. For questions where you need to justify your answer Casey has asked you to use sources to support your reasoning. These sources are to be cited in APA format.
    Assignment Questions
    Grading Rubrics
    Grading Rubric For Part 1 Due Week 4
    Grading Rubric for Part 2 Due Week 7
    Best Practices
    Best Practices:
    The following are the best practices in preparing each part of the assignment.

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