Country Project-India

    Purpose: In many ways, globalization has made the world smaller. Considering the apparel and textile industry is now a global industry with diverse countries involved in the development, construction, and merchandising of apparel products, it is essential to become familiar with the countries with which a firm conducts business in. Therefore, the objective of this project is to explore a diverse set of countries that are players in the apparel and textile complex and present your findings to the class. Your research should include a minimum of six reputable sources. Listed countries are carefully selected by the instructor.

    Country: India
    You will examine the country assigned to you and put together a written report based on the following concepts:

    Location (Map references)


    General Terrain (i.e., mountains, flat)

    Natural Hazards (i.e., volcanoes, earthquakes, typhoons, tidal waves)

    Level of Development (i.e., least developed, newly developing, developing)

    Political Structure

    Legal System

    Country Abbreviation & Capital

    Current Political Leaders

    Military Structure

    People & Society




    Life expectancy, Literacy Rate, & Infant Mortality Rate

    Cultural Implications (i.e., collectivist, individualist, ect.)

    Currency & Currency Exchange rate


    Major Imports

    Major Exports

    Employment/Unemployment Rates

    Poverty Levels

    Global Relationship to the Apparel Industry
    Primary Textile Apparel Supply Matrix (i.e., manufacturing, product development)

    Major Apparel Players

    Trade Agreements

    Major Ports

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