Country Profile Assignment

    Country Profile Assignment

    Use the Country Profile Worksheet to complete this assignment. 
    The approach to take with this exercise is to create a profile of the country you have been assigned.  The sections include political/legal, economic, social/cultural and technological (PEST-C) aspects and Hofstede’s Country Characteristics.  Complete the Country Profile Worksheet in bullet form for each key aspect. 
    Technological environment

    o   Major technology firms located in country

    o   Infrastructure in place (due to major firms and government programs)

    Refer to Hofstede’s website for information on your assigned country.
    The last part of the worksheet is based on your analysis of the country and the business ideas that you suggest for that country.  Explain why your idea would be appropriate and support them with logic.
    The completed document must be no greater than five pages and will not be accepted if it exceeds the limit.  Papers that have any amount of plagiarism will receive a zero and will be reported to the Dean’s office as an academic offence.
    This is an individual project.  Late papers are not accepted however early submissions are welcomed.


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