
    Counterterrorism in a Changing World Faculty Mentor Gennaro Bonfiglio Research Assignment 2 while keeping in mind the depravity of the plot and After viewing the film, “Terror Attack in Mumba wanton disregard for human life, read the following articles “The Strategies of Terrorism,” by Andrew Kydd and Barbara Walter 1. 2. “Terror Psycho-logic,” by Jerrold Post Complete an 8 page paper in length discussing your reaction to the film and what you learned about the brutal tactics of terror Wearing your inner psychologist’s hat, be sure to include discussion which relates to the following questions, which I would like you to address 1. From the first article listed, what type of strategy is Laskar e Toiba employing in their ongoing battle to reclaim Kashmir? Write a description about all of the available strategies and when indicating LET’s strategy, be sure to include information that is supportive of your hypothesis 2. opine what could have possibly influenced such a young group of men to essentially, throw away their lives in the furtherance of their cause? How could a human being be so inhumane to their fellow man? Are these individuals devoid of sanity? Explain your view and provide factua information which you extracted from article 2. 3. Although we haven’t specifically discussed counter terror strategies to date, what could have been done differently by the target country, to pr an attack in the first place. Or, when an attack on de citizens occurs, what could the National Police and Navy Commando’s done that would have ended the attack faster and ended the carnage? Discuss 4. Finally, think about our city. What would our first responders, (police, fire, EMs and military), do under the same circumstances? It is quite clear that these resources are close to such attack any in NY and would come into the “arena” in short order. How would the results be diff or would they?

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