Costing & financial management

    Project Management (Costing & financial management):
    Note: I’m Master student doing Project Management and this is Project Costing & financial management course. So if you would look for sources, you may concentrate getting this order completed in Project Costing & financial management perspectives using 15 external sources/references. Answer the question below:

    1) Define what you understand about project financing and explain the variety of funding sources available. What are the implications of the different sources towards the success of a project. (4 marks)

    2) List the benefits and risks of joint-ventures to the long term business plan and funding of projects. (4 marks)

    3) Project financial management requires very detailed processes concerning planning, control and administration and records. Brie?y describe these processes with reference to PMBOK. (4 marks)

    4) Devise your own simple financial management plan in terms of resource planning, cost estimating, cost budgeting and cost control based on the following project scenario (you may refer to the Cost Management Plan Template as a guide):
    – Client: Government body
    – Cost: 20 millions
    – Time allocated: 24 months
    (6 marks)

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