Corrections in Canadian criminal law

    Intro – objectives of paper, ethical issues encountered (outlining values), methodology (stepts taken to find the results proposed in the paper), and the link between the chosen topic and criminal law.
    Issue chosen for study – what is the topic and what are you looking for. What are the issues being raised.
    Legal Principles: Looking at the criminal law element / link topic from a criminal law perspective – what are the provisions, what is the institutional process, court decisions, etc.
    Strategies / approach that you propose will regulate, solve, or provide solution to what you’ve understood to be the issue. There are no right or wrong as long as it conforms to Canadian values, human rights, & doesn’t discriminate
    If the Province provides solution, but must be given funding by the Federal Gov’t, so solution but be feasible in both arenas
    Where does the money come from? Factor in other things that may be a priority
    What are the politics, public perceptions,
    Recommendations and lessons learned – what do you get out of it, what would you tell CBC if they were interviewing you. Version of facts

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