Corporate Valuation and Strategy ASSIGNMENT Custom Essay

    Your report will consist of a spreadsheet model to compute the valuation, plus a written report, as if to a Board of Directors. Guidelines for these two items , i will upload it.
    The spreadsheet you should use as your starting point (i will upload it). It will provide you with the last five years of audited income statements and balance sheets for Heinz.
    In summary, your report should include:
    Spreadsheet model
    Five years of historical results, and the analysis of the historical performance.
    Cost of capital calculation.
    A set of assumptions about the forecast for the next seven years.
    Seven-year forecast, plus horizon value.
    Calculation of the value of equity and the price per share, as of April 29, 2012.
    Scenario analysis and sensitivity analysis.
    Written report
    Discuss your insights about what’s going on with this company.

    Explain your story about the company’s future, which drives and justifies the major assumptions in your spreadsheet model.
    Present your conclusions resulting from the outcomes of your forecast scenarios and sensitivity analysis.
    When you have completed your valuation and cover memo

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