Corporate Responsibility

    Corporate Responsibility

    Corporate Responsibility. Pearson: Frenchs Forrest, Sydney.) the case study in ducument, i sent to you.
    Students are to demonstrate a sound understanding of the three viewpoints on corporate responsibility: the classical economic view (exemplified by Milton Friedman), the socio-economic view (the duty to prevent harm within the Kew Garden Principles) and the broad social view (the duty to contribute to society within the KGP). Students should also demonstrate knowledge of the literature on corporate responsibility (including the required readings for this topic shown in the Companion) and its application to business practice.
    Read the case study, Drug Company Monopolies and Profits (see below). Firstly, what do the three viewpoints of corporate responsibility (CR) imply with respect to the ethical obligations of the pharmaceutical companies and the extent to which they met these obligations?
    Secondly, review the website of the pharmaceutical company, Pfizer, ( or Johnson & Johnson and comment on Pfizer’s or Johnson & Johnson’s initiatives regarding corporate responsibility. Your comments should be of an analytical nature, not descriptive. There are no marks for simply re-tying passages from the website. Your analysis should consider how well Pfizer or Johnson & Johnson meet the responsibilities advocated by the three viewpoints (and literature) on CR through their corporate ethics programs as advocated in their corporate responsibility reports and websites.
    Finally, given your review of the literature and analysis of the case, what do you think is the social responsibility of business?
    NBe sure to weight your word limit in line with the marking allocation shown on the feedback sheet.
    Be sure to read the required readings for the topic of CSR/CR as shown in this Companion and to make use of the recommended reading shown inthrough your own searches of the UC library electronic journal database. No marks for simply retelling Simon et al’s (1976) case that occurred in the Kew Gardens.
    Your application of theory to business practice must demonstrate strong skills in analysis. Application requires more than simply describing an example.
    You are expected to conform to high standards of literacy and academic practice, including literature research and full documentation of sources. This means you must use references in your essay and you must cite those references both in the text and in an end reference list. Failure to do so is likely to result in a failed paper. Please use the author-date method. Be sure to express the ideas you read about in your own words, but acknowledge their source by citing the reference. Avoid the use of direct quotes as they do not demonstrate to the marker your understanding of the concepts and reading material. Direct quotes attract no marks. If you do not know how to access electronic journals, please see the library staff for a training session.



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