Corporate Financial Reporting

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    Corporate Financial Reporting

    Formative Assignment



    The formative assignment will allow you obtain detailed formative feedback on 60% of the summative assignment skills. This assignment will be in the format of a professional report suitable for use in an accounting practice and is therefore building your professional communication skills in written format.

    I have attached a self assessment form which I would like you to submit as an appendix to your report to improve the quality of the feedback that I provide.  I am hoping that this feedback will enable me to understand both the issues of individual students and of the cohort and allow me to provide relevant support for the assignment next term.


    You are working as an intern for a regional firm of chartered accountants, Connor and Basey LLP. The firm specialises in the audit of a number of local travel agencies and local hotels. Your reporting partner has organized a group of you to develop and populate a database of corporate information to enable audit teams to easily benchmark client performance against for the coming audit season. Each member of the group is to analyse the performance of Thomas Cook Plc.
    It is important that you focus on the significant information only as the audit teams will have limited time to assimilate the information that is presented to them and for this reason a 1000 word report is required.
    You should prepare your analysis on the LATEST available financial statements accessed through the company’s website and this may lead your analysis to be limited to results at 31/12/12. You must ensure that this limitation is clearly stated in the report.

    You must present a professional report to your partner that analyses both the financial performance and the risk of corporate failure for Thomas Cook Plc                                                                                                                                  60 marks



    You should submit your formative assignment to the UG office by Tuesday 10thDecember with the attached self assessment form completed.

    The self assessment form is aiming to improve the quality of the formative feedback that you receive for this assignment by promoting a dialogue between you and the module tutor ( who is marking this) If you complete it honestly it will enable  me to understand where you know you have issues and ( if you think you have done well and I don’t agree) where there are misunderstandings regarding the requirements. If you have not really tried with the formative due to time pressure or other issues please indicate this in your comments. This will also help me to focus specific feedback at your areas of weakness and generic feedback for areas of limited engagement.

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