Continuous Monitoring and Outcome Assessment Plan

    Developing plans for monitoring client progress and counseling outcomes is part of effective practice. Specific techniques

    provide evidence-based data that identify goal progress and outcomes. For the second component of your course project, you

    will discuss your strategies for continuously monitoring client progress during the course of counseling and reviewing and

    evaluating outcomes at termination.

    Developing a plan for continuous monitoring and outcome evaluation will help you to:
    •Devise a strategy to continuously assess and monitor client progress toward accomplishing goals.
    •Evaluate and determine specific techniques to assess and monitor client progress using various techniques, including

    observation, scales, surveys, et cetera.
    •At termination of counseling, review counseling outcomes and evaluate if counseling treatment interventions have affected

    client change and goal accomplishment.


    This is the second component of your course project. For this assignment, you will discuss your strategies for continuously

    monitoring client progress over the course of counseling and reviewing outcomes at termination.

    In your paper, address the following:
    •Your strategy for continuously monitoring client progress during the course of counseling through the use of various

    techniques (such as observation, scales, surveys).
    •Your specific plan for reviewing counseling outcomes and evaluating if counseling treatment interventions have impacted

    client change and goal accomplishment.
    •Your strategy for monitoring client progress during the course of counseling. Choose at least one technique to implement to

    determine goal progress and client change and discuss the method for using this technique (for example, observation, scales,

    and surveys).
    •Your plan for assessing client outcomes at the termination of counseling and your strategy for reviewing and evaluating if

    counseling treatment interventions have impacted client change and goal accomplishment.

    Your paper should be 4–6 pages double-spaced.

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