Contemporary Art

    Contemporary Art
    This module engages with two basic approaches to art during the 1960s, Pop and Minimalism, the first favored by the populace and despited by the elite, the second favored by the elite and despised by the populace. But it’s easier to see what they share in common, a postmodern understanding of the artist not as a creator but as a faciliator of external, non-personal and non-expressive codes and ways of being, whether they are culturally produced (advertisements, logos, celebrity personalities, situation-comedy television story formulas, language itself) or naturally occurring (mathematical sequences, gravity, the physical characteristics of materials like glass, felt, rope, etc.). For this development, Johns and Rauschenberg were the 1950s pioneers

    Discussion Forum 5A: Bursting at the Seams with Pop Art: Could you ever imagine art could be this empty? That the artist could be so transparent? That what you see is what you see? . . .
    Discussion Forum 5B: Minimalism and Related Trends
    : There you have it, a kind of art that we can choose to see as the opposite of Pop Art (which is how the public saw it), yet had more in common than was generally acknowledged at the time. Amazing, itn’t it, just how rich and varied Duchamp’s influence would be. . . .


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