Constitutional exam

    Constitutional exam
    1. The Constitution of the United States replaced which one of the following documents:
    A. Articles of Confederation. B. Act of Toleration.
    C. Frame of Government D. Declaration of Independence.
    2. What is the purpose of the Preamble to the Constitution?
    What are the stated goals of the Constitution?

    3. 4.

    5. 6.

    7. 8.
    9. Which branch of government does Article I establish or create?

    10. Which branch of government does Article II establish or create?

    11. Which branch of government does Article III establish or create?

    12. What was unique about the Congress that was created by the Constitution that could not be found anywhere else in the world at that time?
    A. Bicameral Congress. B. Elected President. C. Appointed judges. D. Had unlimited power.
    13. What is the term of office for members of the House of Representatives?
    A. 1 year. B. 2 years. C. 3 years. D. 6 years.
    What are the three requirements to be eligible for election to be a member of the House of Representatives?

    14. 15. 16.
    17. What determines the number of representatives from each state to the House of Representatives?
    A. Population. B. Geographical size. C. Economy. D. Seniority.
    18. How is the number of Senators from each state determined?
    A. Population. B. Physical size of state. C. Religion. D. Stated in Article I.
    What are the three requirements to be a eligible to be elected a U. S. Senator?

    19. 20. 21.
    22. Which one of the following has the sole power of impeachment?
    A. Senate. B. House of Representatives. C. Supreme Court. D. States.
    23. Which organization has sole power to try all cases of impeachment?
    A. Senate. B. House of Representatives. C. Supreme Court. D. States.
    24. Who is the presiding officer when the President of the United States is tried for impeachment?
    A. Speaker of the House. B. President of the Senate. C. Vice President. D. Chief Justice.
    25. Where do all bills for raising revenue originate?
    A. Senate. B. House of Representatives. C. President. D. States.
    26. Where in the Constitution does it say the Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises? Identify the Article and Section.

    27. Who holds the executive power of the United States?

    28. Who elects the President of the United States?
    A. Senate. B. House of Representatives. C. Electors. D. Citizen Voters.
    29. Which one of the following is not a reason for the President to be impeached?
    A. High Crimes or Misdemeanors. B. Treason. C. Bribery. D. Poor judgment.
    What are the three requirements to be eligible to be the president of the United States?


    31. 32.
    33. What power does the President have to reject legislation passed by Congress?

    34. What power does Congress have to counter the answer in question 33?

    35. What is the court of last resort in the United States?
    36. What is a mandatory requirement in the case of all Criminal trials?
    A. Panel of judges. B. Trial by Jury. C. Relocation of Trial. D. Closed hearings.
    37. How is treason defined in the Constitution?
    38. Who has the power to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States?

    39. Who has the power to propose amendments to the Constitution?

    40. What percentage vote of the State Legislatures must be obtained to ratify an amendment to the Constitution?
    A. 51%. B. 65%. C. 66.6%. D. 75%.
    41. Which of the following is not a part of the Supreme Law of the Land?
    A. Constitution. B. Laws of the United States. C. U. S. Treaties. D. Declaration of Independence.
    42. What does Article IV Section 2 give to citizens of each state?
    43. Which amendments constitute the Bill of Rights?

    44. How many states voting yes did it take to ratify the Constitution?
    A. 13. B. 7. C. 10. D. 9. E. 12.
    45. What year did the first ten amendments to the Constitution go into effect?
    What are the rights guaranteed in the 1st Amendment?

    45. 46.

    47. 48.

    What two rights are guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment?

    50. 51.

    52. Whose consent is required in the 3rd Amendment?

    53. What protection is given by the 4th Amendment ?
    What is required before a Warrant can be issued under the fourth amendment?

    54. 55.

    56. 57.
    58. According to the 5th Amendment what must be issued for a person to be held on a capital or infamous crime?


    59. What is “double jeopardy”?
    60. Why would a person refuse to testify in a criminal case when said person is the defendant?

    What rights are guaranteed under the 6th Amendment?






    67. What right is given under the 7th Amendment?
    What are the three rights guaranteed by the 8th Amendment?

    68. 69.


    71. What does the 9th Amendment do?
    72. According to the 10th Amendment who retains any powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution?

    73. What test will never be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States?
    A. Tax payment. B. Land Owner. C. Gender. D. Religion. E. Citizenship.
    74. Which branch of the government does the 11th Amendment apply?

    75. In the 12th Amendment what does the vote of the electors determine?
    A. The President and Vice President. B. Supreme Court Chief Justice.
    C. Speaker of the House. D. President of the Senate.
    76. What did the 13th Amendment do?

    77. In the 14th Amendment how are citizens of the United States identified?
    78. What does the 15th Amendment guarantee citizens of the United States?
    79. What does the 16th Amendment allow Congress to do?

    80. How does the 17th Amendment change the manner of electing Senators to Congress?
    81. What did the 18th Amendment do?
    82. Who was granted power to enforce this law?
    83. Who is given the right to vote under the 19th Amendment?
    84. According to the 20th Amendment who is to serve as President of the United States if the elected president cannot serve because of death or disability?

    85. According to Section 4 of the 20th Amendment who has the power to select a president if necessary?
    86. Who then has the power to choose a Vice President?

    87. What does the 21st Amendment do?

    88. The 22nd Amendment to the Constitution is called the “Roosevelt Amendment”. How did it change presidential terms in office?

    89. Why was this Amendment proposed and ratified?
    90. What does the 23rd Amendment do for the District of Columbia?
    91. What formula is used?

    92. What does the 24th Amendment do to protect the right of citizens to vote?
    93. What does the 25th Amendment clarify?
    94. How can the president be relieved of his duties if he is unable to adequately perform?
    95. What did the 26th Amendment change?
    96. What does the 27th Amendment apply to?

    97. A number of people have demanded that which Amendment be repealed?
    A. 4th. B. 12th. C. 14th. D. 19th. E. 27th.
    98. Why are amendments added to the Constitution?
    99. Is education a protected civil right?
    Yes No Maybe
    100. Which amendment has implications to anchor babies?
    A. 1st. B. 4th. C. 13th. D. 14th. E. 21st. F. 27th.


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