Consider the following problem faced by a Dietician: A diet needs to be created

    Consider the following problem faced by a Dietician: A diet needs to be created
    that contains not less than 2075 calories not more than
    76 grams of protein not less than 19 grams of carbohydrates and not less than 12
    grams of fat. Also the diet should haveminimal cost. In addition the diet should include at least 1 Units of fish
    and at least 1.4 cup of milk. The diet will
    consist of the six different foods: Bread Milk Cheese Fish Potato and Yogurt. The following table lists the cost per unit of each item and the number
    of grams of protein fat and carbohydrates per unit as well as the calories that will be supplied by each food unit.
    10 25 20 15 79 18 5 15 13 1.3 14 11.2 2 9 14 0.1 7 2 19 12.7 0.4 34.6 0 22 120 178 156 98 248 350
    Find a diet that meets the requirements above while keeping the cost at an absolute minimum. Make sure that your Food Units are
    all Integers.Minimum Cost = (Cents)
    Hint: Min Cost value is between 317 and 325 Number of Units of Each Item %u2026 Make sure your answers are INTEGERSBread =






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