Consider and analyze the role of leadership of creative and innovative efforts from your own experience.

    two questions


    1. Consider and analyze the role of leadership of creative and innovative efforts from your own experience. This can include your own role as leader, or your experience of working as part of a team under the leadership of someone you found particularly (in)effective. Include the week’s assigned material and from previous weeks in your answer. In other words, base your answer in the theories and concepts of the course and do not just relate a personal experience.


    **one page , 3 referances 


    2. Consider your own collaborative history, either at work or in school. What are the characteristics of effective collaborative efforts, and good collaborators, in your experience? What are the characteristics of poor, ineffective collaborative efforts? Focus on the actual structural elements and the behaviors (what people say and do) in your answer, rather than your emotional responses to different collaborative situations.


    **one page , 3 referances 


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