Conducting Your Own Field Sobriety Test Custom Essay

    This assignment will give you the opportunity to conduct your own field sobriety tests. As outlined in your text, there are three standardized tests used by an officer to determine if a suspect is impaired. Select one of the following learning activities on which to base this assignment.
    Conduct the three field sobriety tests. If you are able, use a camera to record yourself conducting the tests. Evaluate your ability to perform the tests and any issues you feel these tests might provide in determining if someone is under the influence. Knowing what you know about ethanol and blood alcohol concentration, how would you explain in court what it means to be driving under the influence?

    Document your findings in a two-page-paper, including a brief description of each test, the ease or difficulty in which you had conducting or performing the tests, and any issues you feel these tests might present in court.

    The assignment must be formatted according to the APA style. Cite your resources in text and on the Reference page, as appropriate.

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