conducting interaction graphs for moderators variables
– I used the multiple hierarchical regression analysis to test hypotheses.
– I used two dependent variables (international performance subjective scale (IP scale) ans (international performance objective measurement ( international sale percentage log ) to test the moderating role of same variables.
– I need help in conduct interaction graphs for the results of the multiple regression for both dependent variables, the results almost the same with both dependent variables as follow:
— Structural social capital negatively moderates the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and international performance
– Relational social capital positively moderates the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and international performance
– Cognitive social capital positively moderates the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and international performance
** However, I don't sure if I need to do interaction graphs for first variables as the results of interaction is negative (I need your help here)
– After you conduct the interaction graphs please comment on it in 2-3 pages.
– I attached you the data, the chapter of findings, example of two articles to understand what is required and follow the same procedures and same comments, and summery of regression results.