Conduct a literature review on the influence of self referencing and involvement on consumer behaviour using research conducted from 1990 to 2014.

    Description: Students will conduct a literature review of consumer behaviour theories from the course.This review may involve showing a topic has developed in the literature and outlining its relevance to marketing practitioners.

    Topic /Title : Conduct literature review on the influence of self referencing and involvement on consumer behaviour using research conducted from 1990 to 2014.

    Subject :Consumer Behaviour

    Length/Duration: 1,900 words excluding references

    Weight: 40%

    NOTE :

    – Use APA referencing rather than endnotes and footnotes. Suitable referencing will be expected. Furthermore, plagiarism involves dishonestly using the words or ideas from someone else without giving suitable acknowledgement.

    – Assignments should be typed, 1½ spaced, with at least 3cm wide margins on both sides, font size 12. No single spaced or small font assignments.

    – Be sure to include in your project relevant consumer behaviour theories. This means a review of academic literature from journal articles will be a component of your assignment. This will mean looking at articles. Don’t bother with psychology journals. Use some if you feel they are necessary, but look at marketing journals first.

    -Good marketing journals include the Journal of Consumer Research, Psychology and Marketing, Journal of Consumer Behaviour and Journal of Business Research.


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