Conceptual framework

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    Conceptual framework

    I want a new job from you as follow:

    1- I need chapter about Conceptual framework of self-defence (7000 words) in these sections
    Part 1: Sharia Sources
    1. Self-defence in the Quran (1500 words)
    2. Self-defence in Sunnah (1500 words)
    3. Self-defence in Ijma (1500 words)
    4. Concept of self-defence in Shari’a (Attached doc1)
    Part 2: English Source
    5. Self-defence in legislation (1500words)
    6. Concept of self-defence in English law (attached doc 2)
    Justification for proposed framework (1000 words)
    Summary (150 words)

    2-I will request revision later to previous orders (order ID: 81204456 and order ID: 81193339) and I will attached minor comments.
    I want from you to write full chapter and include the previous orders (order ID: 81204456 and order ID: 81193339) in their sections but do not consider these documents from this order words counts.
    3- I will request revision later to both orders (order ID: 81204456 and order ID: 81193339) because my supervisor wrote comments on your writing and I need you to address these comments and send it with this order.
    4- I need to receive full chapter in this order with the revision of previous orders (order ID: 81204456 and order ID: 81193339).
    4- Use AGLC reference style.
    5- Please use references as much as you can because my supervisor do not accept any idea without citation and involve references from the author list (see the attachments).
    My progress evaluation will based on this chapter. So, please take care of it and I will order thesis chapters with you next orders.
    Feel free to contact me for any questions or send drafts.

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