COMS 101 Quiz

     Question 1


    The ____________ outline is also known as the full-content outline.

    ·         Question 2


    If you were presenting a speech about traveling to Europe and deciding to start with places in Northern Europe, then moved to Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, and Western Europe, this speech would have what type of organizational pattern?

    ·         Question 3


    The first step in organizing your speech is:

    ·         Question 4


    Which verbal connection follows a main point and acts to remind the audience of what a speaker has just expressed?

    ·         Question 5


    If I’m giving a speech about participating in Living History, I may talk about choosing a character, researching the person, developing the speech, and presenting to the various classrooms.  The organization of this speech would be considered:

    ·         Question 6


    Outlining is regarded by our authors as:

    ·         Question 7


    When presenting a speech on the evaluation of jazz as a musical art form in America, Betsy first spoke about Dixieland jazz, the period of swing followed by be-bop. She concluded her remarks with comments on progressive and fusion sounds. Betsy used which organizational pattern in her speech?

    ·         Question 8


    Organization refers to the placement of lines of reasoning and supporting materials in a pattern that helps to achieve your specific purpose.

    ·         Question 9


    According to your authors, the first few minutes are critical to the success of the entire speech. 

    ·         Question 10


    An effective speaker will quickly establish a reason for audience members to listen.  This part of the introduction is referred to as:

    ·         Question 11


    According to Professor John Baird, “Summaries may be effective when presented at the conclusion of a speech (because) they provide the audience with a general structure under which to subsume the more specific points of the speech.”

    ·         Question 12


    One of the guidelines for introductions is to prepare the introduction after preparing the body of the speech.

    ·         Question 13


    Never use your conclusion to connect your speech topic to a broader context or societal issue.

    ·         Question 14


    According to your authors, which of the following is not considered a technique to use in the introduction of a speech?

    ·         Question 15


    Which of the following WAS NOT listed as one of the ten introduction techniques? 

    ·         Question 16


    Telling the audience what you’re planning to discuss during your speech is called:

    ·         Question 17


    The arrangement of a series of words, phrases or sentences in a similar form is referred to as:

    ·         Question 18


    Using signals when writing is just as important as using signals in a speech.

    ·         Question 19


    Your audience is more likely to agree on the connotative definition of a word than it’s denotative definition.

    ·         Question 20


    Parallel structure refers to the arrangement of a series of words, phrases or sentences in a similar form.

    ·         Question 21


    Jargon can be used effectively if you are sure the members of your audience understand your references.

    ·         Question 22


    If I’m talking about my cat, and instead of saying, “I have a cat,” I say, “I have a white, long-haired, 12-year-old cat that weighs 20 pounds,” I am following what guideline regarding language usage?

    ·         Question 23


    Which of the following phrases is NOT considered a signal?

    ·         Question 24


    A(n) ______________ speech involves the least amount of preparation.

    ·         Question 25


    The most appropriate mode of delivery for students in a public speaking class is memorization.

    ·         Question 26


    According to your text, no other aspect of nonverbal communication is more important than:

    ·         Question 27


    Which of the following is a characteristic of a manuscript speech?

    ·         Question 28


    All of the following are relevant aspects of speech preparation.  However, the key to successful manuscript speaking is ___________.

    ·         Question 29


    One of the performance guidelines for memorizing speeches is to memorize small sections of your speech at a time.

    ·         Question 30


    Which of the following is TRUE about gestures?.

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