Computer Science

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    (a) A program is run on a 2.1 GHz processor. The program’s code consists of 10,000

    instructions, with the following instruction mix and clock cycle count:

    Instruction Type Instruction Count

    (# of such instructions)

    Clock Cycle Count

    (# of clock cycles / instr.)

    Integer arithmetic 5000 1

    Data transfer 3000 2

    Floating point 1500 2

    Control transfer 500 2

    Determine this program’s (i) effective CPI and (ii) the percentage of time doing FP ops.

    (b) A new computer with enhanced architecture run 16 times faster than the original

    machine, but it is usable only 1/8 of the time. What is the speedup?

    (c) A program takes 15 seconds to execute on a single 1.8GHz processor. 30% of the

    program is sequential. Assuming zero latency and perfect parallelism in the remaining

    code, how long should the code take on a 20 core processor machine?

    (d) A computer uses instruction pipelining with P=4 stages named FD, DO, EX, WO.

    Each stage takes T seconds to perform its task. Suppose you have N=9 instructions in

    your program which has a branch from instruction 4 to 8. Draw a figure to show what

    happens over time as each instruction is processed. Indicate the branch penalty.

    Question 2. 

    Consider the following code sequence:

    i: R7 R12+R5

    i+1: R8 R7-R12

    i+2: R5 R8+R7

    (a) List the RAW dependencies, if any:

    (b) List the WAR dependencies, if any; rewrite code showing how to avoid them:

    (c) List the WAW dependencies, if any; rewrite code showing how to avoid them:

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