Computer Ethics PowerPoint

    In 2012, Nokia, a mobile phone manufacturer released a video advertisement that was claimed to have been filmed by a camera in one of the phones the company had released. The mobile phone in question is the Nokia Lumia 920 that has a “4.5 inch screen and an 8.7 megapixel” camera (Ewing, 2012). The Nokia CEO had introduced this device as one with a floating lens that has an “application for image stabilization” (Ewing, 2012). Therefore, when this marketing video was released, it was claimed that it had been filmed by this new device to demonstrate the power of its new camera technology. However, this was not true because a separate company was found out to have filmed this video with other recording devices meaning that the Lumia 920 did not film the said video.
    The ethical issue here is that Nokia employees used fraudulent marketing material by asserting that this video was filmed by their device to show the strength of the camera. There is also an ethical violation that could amount to intellectual property infringement since the company claimed that the video was shot by their device while it was shot by a camera/device manufactured by another company.


    Ewing, A. (2012, 9 10). Nokia to Conduct Ethics
    Review Into Misleading Ad Video. Retrieved 10 13, 2014, from

    Review your initial post from this week’s discussion activity on computer ethics. Use Microsoft PowerPoint to create a presentation based on your initial computer ethics discussion and associated research.

    In your presentation, you must:

    1. Identify the key points you want to highlight.

    2. Create a minimum of three slides in the body of the presentation.

    3. Each slide in the body of the presentation should have no more than three bullet points.

    4. Each slide must include animation.

    5. Include graphics, audio, video, or embedded links as needed to support and enhance your topics.

    6. Create a title slide that that includes a topic, your name, instructor’s name, date it was prepared, and the course title.

    7. Create a reference slide that identifies all sources used within the presentation (including graphics and/or other multimedia)

    8. Format your references according to APA style as outline in the Ashford Writing Center, and use in-text citations where necessary throughout the body of your presentation.

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