Computer Discussion

    Here are the topics for the discussion questions which needs to be a minimum of 1 paragraph (2 paragraph max) PLEASE MAKE SURE EACH DISCUSSION IS SEPERATE AND NOT COMBINED.

    #1 (ja gru)

    Describe the differences between the structured design methodology and the object-oriented design methodology.
    In general structured design tends to utilize a very linear path with regards to how an process should work. Object-Oriented Design tends to be more fluid and dynamic utilizing components that can work together. Because of this, the entire process for each is different.

    In the Analysis phase of Structured Design, often Data Flow Diagrams and Decision trees are used. Object-Oriented design instead will use a flow of events and case models to determine what should can occur. Classes and Class relations are determined to fulfill these and possibly future event flows.

    The Design phase both involve the creation of a graphical user interface and database design, but Object-Oriented design will examine how both will integrate with classes. These classes are optimized to better support both the database and the interface.

    Even testing both designs widely varies. A structured design can often simply follow the decision tree, while an Object-Oriented design needs a more verbose system of testing.

    Why do the principles of structured design start to break down in today’s software development initiatives?

    The main problem with structured design is that by it’s nature the design is inflexible. it assumes that all contingencies are taken into account from the beginning. It is not build with the assumption of adding new features at a later time or making changes to support new requirements later. Often it is also built to support a single platform in a static language.
    All of these features are needed to keep up with the rapid pace modern day technology. A design must be able to adapt to the changing needs of the users.

    #2 (pa ell)

    Describe the differences between the structured design methodology and the object-oriented design methodology. Why do the principles of structured design start to break down in today’s software development initiatives?

    The structured design methodology is also called the top down method. It is a design methold where you give specific instructions to the application or program and the program follows the instructions in the order in which they were entered. It does not deviate from the order in which the program was written.

    Object-oriented design is just as it’s name indicates. It is a design method based on objects and classes. In this method, you can create program designs based on objects. It allows you to create different things within a program like loops, links, menus, etc.

    The SD method is mainly for small to medium size applications. It is easier to create and maintain because it’s generally not used for complex applications or programs. Object-oriented design is used for larger and more complex applications or programs because it has the ability to adapt to the user and the users intentions.

    The reason SD starts to break down in today’s software development is because most programmers need their application to be dynamic. They need a program that can respond to clicks and to be diverse enough to change depending on the choices of the end user. Having a program that goes from A to B to C everytime eliminates a lot of opinions for individuals developing applications. Sometimes you may want your program to go from A to D, and then back to B. With OOD, that is possible.

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