Complete an individual Blog (Blogspot) of workshop activities and readings

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    Complete an individual Blog (Blogspot) of workshop activities and readings
    Complete an individual Blog (Blogspot) of workshop activities and readings.
    Blogspot think of the lectures +reading +activities+ software how it can be applied in your teaching.

    I need to write a blog about the 3 days lecturers using critical thinking for how is it useful to us as teacher in school.
    I have uploaded the Blog Rubric please have a look at it.
    Lecture 1
    1- reading 1 Active Learning
    2- reading 1 Opinions of teacher READ only pp 27-28
    3- reading 1 Comparing frame works 21st century
    4- reading 1 Active Learning

    AusVELS: Design, Creativity and Technology

    Lecture 2
    1- reading 1 Safer Children in a Digital world File

    2- reading 2 Sex tech Summary data_CosmoGirl File

    3-reading 3 Protecting yourself inline (Booklet) File
    4- reading 4 Animation website File

    Lecture 3

    1- reading 1 Understanding Engagement in educational games File

    2- reading 2 Hypercontextualized Learning Games_Sedano 2013 File

    3- reading 3 Unpacking Potential of Gaming_Wideman 2007 File

    4- reading 4 Extra Resources for Animation File


    Activities we have used during these lectures using
    tech Smith software
    How to do snap shoot for a picture in case you can use them in many purposes of learning for me I created a brochure about Corona virus that can be very helpful in school and society as well.

    Activity 2 using inspiration 9 software to create something for example Australian animals link them to Australian map and that can assist student to know all the animals related to Australia in one picture.

    Activity 3Make Beliefs Comics (link) is a 100% fun website and a comics strip generator that allows you to create comics strips online.

    Activity 4 using this website link:

    I have created a new story as we learn in our class activity I have to write how this story relevant to me as teacher in primary school and how is it valuable to me and to my students using critical thinking.

    Activity 5 using Avatar Maker

    With DoppelMe you can create a cool graphical likeness of yourself, your friends, family or any group of people for use as an avatar in forums, instant messenger, blogs and almost anywhere else on the web.

    Activity 6 using this website

    Wordle can create a words in great idea related to the learning.

    Activity 7 using this website link


    Activity 8 using this website link

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