Complain Letter: Delayed train

    You had to go to an important job interview in central London. You had planned the trip carefully and planned to arrive at the destination 20 minutes before the interview started. The train however was 50 minutes late and since you live outside of London there was no alternative transport that you could take. You are writing a letter of complaint to the train company claiming compensation and an apology.

    Marking criteria: The marks will be awarded according to the following marking criteria:
    1. Layout and Overall appearance – 25%
    Addresses in correct place, any title appropriate, date in correct place, salutation matches valediction. Use of upper and lower case.
    Spacing between the lines, whitespace, font type and size, appropriate use of bold or italics, justification should all give pleasing appearance.
    2. Clarity of message – 25%
    Clarity of explanation what the complain is about. Has the complaint been articulated in a civil way? Is the context clear? Is the resolution expected and reasonable?
    3. Tone – 25%
    This is a complaint and so should be firm but not abusive. Comment on informality or excessive formality.
    4. English – 25%
    Spelling, syntax and grammar should all be correct and according to UK conventions.

    When writing your letter of complaint please use the address shown below:

    44 Grove Street,
    E14 9SJ

    All students need to use this sample address. This will help us to see where you insert the other party’s address and award marks for the layout. Do not use your real home address, your real telephone number and your real email address.
    Each student should choose the name and address of the company to which the complaint applies either by referring to a real company or by inventing a name and address. Please also invent your telephone number and an email address.
    You are encouraged to add details to your scenario but not to change the details that already exist in your scenario.

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