comparison in healthcare facilities

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    For your individual assignment, you are going to have an opportunity to apply the information from your textbook (Anderson Textbook, Chapters 9-10) to real world data.
    To prepare for the assignment you will need to gather some quality data regarding health care facilities in your region.
    Before you begin, you will need to go the World Wide Web and find a health institution comparison tool. There are numerous tools available including one for hospitals, nursing homes and dialysis facility.
    The tools may ask you for a zip code and mile radius within which to conduct your search.
    Be sure to check a mile radius large enough to assure that you will have at least two institutions to compare. These sites provides a wealth of information.
    Write a 2-3 page paper using APA format to respond to the following questions:
    Identify the comparison tool, including Web site, you selected.
    Describe the tool including the sponsor, the quality indicators used, and other types of information provided.
    Describe your experience using the tool.
    Was the program easy to use?
    Was the information relevant?
    What features did you find most helpful?
    Using the criteria on pages 257-265 in the Anderson text, evaluate the data.
    How should this program be used?
    If someone asked you whether or not they should select a specific type of institution based on the information presented, what would you advise?
    Any references used in your paper, including Web sites, must be cited using APA format. For a template in APA format please review the following link and the attached document.

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