Comparison essay Custom Essay

    write at least a 3 page (750 word) eight paragraph comparison essay comparing two (2) items that

    share common ground using three categories of comparison and make sure you use the same three categories for each

    item (for example, if you compare two different cars as your items, your three categories of comparison might be:

    price, mileage, and warranty for each car). Make sure that you state your preference in the outline and in the

    thesis statement. Your subject should lend itself to a preference. Do not submit a paper on the topic of hunting,

    as I am a big animal lover.
    Use well chosen details that show just how the two items under consideration are alike or different and a void

    over-generalizations (for example, rather than comparing high school to college, compare a particular high school

    to a particular college – this will yield more details). There should be plenty of supporting, descriptive

    details used, which would help the audience make a choice between alternatives.
    Choose the block pattern outline of organization or alternating pattern outline of organization, as described in

    our book and in the notes. State the type of outline used at the top of your outline. Try to be vivid in your

    ** Important note: You do not need to use outside sources for this assignment. (However, if you do, use no more

    than two and make sure to document ALL paraphrases or quotes in MLA format within parentheses within the body of

    the paper and include a Works Cited page at the end.) ** Reminder: Failure to properly acknowledge source

    materials – including websites, etc. – constitutes plagiarism (see syllabus under "Academic Honesty

    Statement"). If you possess some special knowledge, etc., that you are drawing from state this in the paper.
    Please email everything to me in one, single attachment:
    —*** Include an outline of the block or alternating pattern that reflects the organization of your paper . Do

    not send this as a separate attachment . Put at the front of your paper, on its own separate page. Papers that do

    not include the outline will lose 20 points.
    —The top of the outline should also contain the title of your paper in addition to stating the type of outline

    being used – block or alternating.
    —Highlight your thesis statement in yellow (or some other color).
    — Underline your topic sentences for each paragraph

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