Comparing the Torah to the New Testament

    Comparing the Torah to the New Testament

    Paper instructions:
    Comparing the Torah to the New Testament (which was written by people)? This assignment is suppose to take the side of the Torah and “proving” that the Torah of the jews is divine and could have only be given by God himself to Moses and none other. Also, suppose to show how the new testament has errors and can’t be divine… basically compare and contrast, but taking the side of the Torah.

    However, the draft is due tomorrow… but not a legit draft, just the sources with bullet points showing what will be written on the actual assignment. Here are the instructions that are due for tomorrow regarding sources:

    Please submit the list of sources (at least 5) and outline or draft of your assignment. Remember this will represent 10% of the final grade for this assignment. Make sure all the information is presented in an organized manner and is clear. Late submissions will be penalized with a 2-point deduction per late day, up to 16 points.

    Please find below some basic requirements.

    The sources MUST be from the library, either journal articles, newspapers, books, encyclopedias, etc. I will not accept Internet sources found by a search engine. WIKIPEDIA is not an acceptable source for this course.
    You need to have at least 5 different sources. Two different entries or articles from the same source are counted separately. For example, if you use the encyclopedia of religion to research both traditions, both entries will count as two sources.


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