Comparing the movie and the book of Persepolis

    The prompt is attached but briefly the topic is a comparison between the book and the film of Persepolis. You should scrutinize e characters, theme, plot. Please as you see in the attachment, choose the political view so that you can compare the book and the movie with reality. Please make sure that you mention the islamic revolution as a limitation of life. As a daily life example please similarize the issue going in Turkey with the prime minister. I’m from Turkey and our leader is wants people to wear the veils, not drink alcohol at all, limit the rights of people and mostly women in order to make the democratic country a Islamic one. There’s a huge similarity between the demand of Erdogan in Turkey and the leader of Iran at that time. Please read additional information about the issue on Turkey from internet. The most important thing is to relate the information of both the movie and reality to the book.
    – The film that we covered in class was an animated movie of Persepolis. One part of the movie was the return of Marjane from Austria to Iran. She is wearing the veil but even though only a tiny part of her hair is visible in passport check they force her to wear it properly. The government became so firm.
    The other part that I remember was at the party in Austria, one boy was trying to communicate with Marjane and at that time he asked the nationality of her and Marjane hesitated to tell her nationality directly. After the party, grandmother asked her why she didn’t tell her nationality and it was because she was ashamed of her country.
    A part from these examples, please use other examples from this animated film which is online. Please mention the characteristics of the main character and the things going on the society. The revolution is very important as I’m scrutinizing the essay politically.

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