Compare and contrast the representations of motherhood constructed in Henry Lawson’s “The Drover’s Wife” and EITHER The Secret River by Kate Grenville OR The Slap by Christos Tsiolkas. Comment on how the role of a mother has/has not changed over

    Compare and contrast the representations of motherhood constructed in Henry Lawson’s “The Drover’s Wife” and EITHER The Secret River by Kate Grenville OR The Slap by Christos Tsiolkas. Comment on how the role of a mother has/has not changed over

    Order Description

    Please Use The Primary texts ( the drovers wife) + (the secret river) or (the Slap) as a reference in this research essay
    so 9 references and the two texts will equal 11 references
    use journal articles only from Ebsco host research data base for references
    please include a reference list at the end

    this is the guide lines given by the tutor

    This is RESEARCH ESSAY which means you must include references including secondary literary criticism found using the AUSTLIT database or other relevant library resource. DO NOT simply Google your sources as websites such as wikipedia, schmoop, smart notes or resources primarily aimed at school children are not appropriate to university level study in Literature. You are welcome to use any secondary sources on study desk, but you should also include AT LEAST 2 sources that you have found independently.
    Make sure your essay has a clear argument or thesis which is identified in the introductory paragraph.
    DO be specific about what the story says about the theme of x. DO NOT simply state that your essay will explore the theme of x.
    Use literary terms and concepts that you have learned in the course. You should discuss the rhetorical features of the story (etc. mode of narration, structure, style, imagery and symbol, story and plot … etc.—focus on the ones that best suit your argument, do not try to use ALL of these) and explain how they represent the theme.
    Plan out your essay. Stick to points that help make your argument, and ruthlessly cut anything that is descriptive or general.
    When writing paragraphs use TEEL (Topic sentence/Explanation/Evidence/Link). Ask yourself: how does this paragraph add to my argument; does it use explanation and evidence (textual quotation) to support the point I am trying to make; does it link back to my thesis at the end?
    Relate your reading to the historical context of the work and explain why the text is significant. THEN MOVE ON: Remember, this is not a history essay.

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