Compare and contrast the rape of Io by Jove and the rape of Philomela by Tereus.

    English and Literature
    Paper instructions:
    • Concisely paraphrase both stories using proper citation.
    o Your citation belongs either after a direct quote or what you are paraphrasing
    o An example of correct citation: (Ovid, Met. II. 375-404).
    • Provide concrete examples from the primary sources by use of direct quotation and/or summary
    • Discuss the difference in the language used to describe the rape scenes
    • Discuss why the rapes could be different due to the divine status of Jove vs. the mortal status of Tereus
    • Discuss how such a myth could be didactic, i.e. used to reinforce social values or teach a lesson
    • Discuss the ‘significant other’ in both cases and what role they play in the myth (Hera and Procne)
    • Comment on how such myths can teach us about Greek and Roman civilization, culture, and religion

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