Compare and contrast Schnitzler’s and Freud’s interpretations of

    Compare and contrast Schnitzler’s and Freud’s interpretations of character.

    This essay is an Art History essay, this is to be based round era of Fin De Siecle Vienna, so it must be round that time frame. I have uploaded some good notes and a good scan from the book “Arthur Schnitzler; A Critical Study”, I advise you to read through this scanned piece to gain good knowledge of the subject matter and context of the essay.

    The essay is to be based on schnitzler’s and freud’s analysis on “character”, this should be a compare and contrast essay showing similarities and difference in the subject of how they both interpreted character by their methods of analysis, psychoanalysis and critical study, this must also show examples of these interpretations from their own analysis which is why i advise to read the proposed texts i have uploaded for you.

    This essay must be written in the context of art history in fin de siecle in vienna and focus on the artistic materials that were analysed by both freud and schnitzler, eg: certain plays that were performed at that time by schnitzler, and what did freud also study to gain interpretation of character, schnitzler and freud have very similar ideas and theories but there a lot of differences also, so therefore, one must determine these similarities and differences gained in the works they produced and also studied. Pleas do read the text i have uploaded “Arthur Schnitzler; A Critical Study” this will show relevant material and context.
    Pleas do remember this is an art history paper not psychological.

    The body of the essay should solely focused on the essay question and nothing else, this should not be a long summary about freud and schnitzler it should a critical study and strong argument relating to the essay question, anything else that s not relevant to the question should be written.

    If there is anything you are unsure then please contact me.

    PS. examples must be used. I quite like Schnitzler’s “Lutenant Gustl”

    Please read what I have advised and do not attempt this paper if you are unsure of art history or fin de siecle vienna.

    Referencing Requirements:
    Referencing should be in the style of foot notes stating all sources used with the author, date, title, publisher and page numbers.

    I have stated 40 sources, but in actual fact, i wish for at least 40 references and the references can be used more than once so it does not mean there has to be 40 different sources.

    Bibliography for this essay:

    Arnold, H. L. 1998. Arthur Schnitzler. Mu¨nchen : Edition Text.

    Cameron, Daniel J. 1982. Extended Sensibilities: Homosexual Presence in Contemporary Art. New York: New Museum.
    Crew, F.C. 1997. The Memory Wars: Freud’s Legacy in Dispute. London. Granta.
    Ernest, J. 1953. Sigmund Freud: Life and Work. London. Hogarth Express.
    Erwin, E. 2002. The Freud Encyclopaedia: Theory, Therapy, and Culture. London. Routledge.
    Freud, S. 1915-17. Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis. (various editions).
    Freud. 1991. The Essentials of Psycho-Analysis. (ed. Anna Freud) Penguin reprint.


    Gay, P. 1988. Freud: A Life of Our Times. London
    Gay, P. 1978. Freud, Jews and Other Germans. Oxford.
    Gay, P. 2002. Schnitzler’s Century : The Making of Middle-Class Culture, 1815-1914. New York; London . W.W. Norton.
    Jacobs, M. 1992. Sigmund Freud. London. Sage Publications.
    Jones, E. 1953 and 1955. Sigmund Freud: Life and Works. Vol. 1 (1856-1900) and vol. 2 (1901-1919). London.
    Kitcher, P. 1992. Freud’s Dream: A Complete Interdisciplinary Science of Mind. Cambridge, Mass, London, MIT Press.
    LeRider, J. 1993. Modernity and the Crisis of Identity: Culture and Society in fin-de siécle Vienna . Cambridge.
    Lorenz, D.C.G. 2003. The Companion to the Works of Arthur Schnitzler. Rochester, NY ; Woodbridge, Suffolk : Camden House.
    McGlashan, AM. 1970. Freud: Founder of Psycho-Analysis. London. Hart-Davis Educational.
    Mitchell, S.A. 1995. Freud and Beyond: A History of Modern Psychoanalytic Thought. New York, Basic Books.
    Polt-Heinzl, E. 2000. Arthur Schnitzler, Leutnant Gustl. Stuttgart: Phillipp Reclam.
    Rieff, P. 1979. Freud: The Mind of the Moralist. Chicago, London. University of Chicago Press.
    Sengoopta, C. 2000. Otto Weininger: Sex, Science, and Self in Imperial Vienna. Chicago.
    Sharpe, M. 2008. Understanding Psychoanalysis. Stocksfield. Acumen.
    Swales, M. 1971. Arthur Schnitzler; A Critical Study. Clarendon Press
    Thurschwell, P. 2009. Sigmund Freud. London. Routledge.
    Wisely, A.C. 2004. Arthur Schnitzler and Twentieth-Century Criticism. Rochester, N.Y. ; Woodbridge, Suffolk : Camden House.
    Wollheim, R. 1991. Freud. London. Fontana.
    Wright, E. 1992. Feminism and Psychoanalysis. Malden: Blackwell Publishers.
    Zanuso, B. 1986. The Young Freud: The Origins of Psychoanalysis in Late Nineteenth-Century Viennese Culture.


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