Compare and Contrast Linguistic structures and characteristics between Korean and English

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    : Describe your linguistic background as it relates to the paper. This should
    include information on the context of where you learned each language—at home, in school
    (including where you studied and the amount of time), living where the language is spoken, etc.
    If you learned one of the languages in school, say a little about how it was taught—little or much speaking of the language in class, little or much English used during class, little or much
    emphasis on good pronunciation, little or much emphasis on memorizing grammar rules, etc.
    Comparison of sounds: Select one point of comparison between sounds found in the two
    : Select one point of “grammar” for comparison. This could either
    be a point of
    : Find an example of how the two languages express thoughts differently such that a “Whorfian” view would argue that the languages CAUSE their speakers to think differently.
    Compare the way you “think” in the two languages as related to the way you learned them and the contexts where you use them

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