Compare and contrast

    For your poetry paper, you’ll write a compare/contrast paper using these Poems: “Child of the Americas”- Aurora Levins Morales & “Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Dream”- Studs Terkel

    Choose two aspects of poetry, exclusive of theme, since these chapters are already organized by similar themes. Compare/contrast your poems on a point-by-point basis. For example: if you write about irony and personification in these poems, you would write first about irony in both and then about personification in both. I want you to have a reason for making your comparisons and to evaluate as well as analyze the works that you examine.
    Your paper should be 500 words, double spaced, with a heading that includes your name and class section (N+).. Your title should point out the paper�s direction; have a strong thesis statement in the first paragraph. There should be at least one documented quote for each piece of writing you cover; use Modern Language Association (MLA) format. Make sure you also put down Works Cited at the end of the paper, using the appropriate format.
    I don�t want to see you retelling poem one and then retelling poem two; summaries aren’t necessary. You might find more similarities or more differences.

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