Compare and Contrast 26 monkeys by kij Johnson and The star by arthur c clarke

    Write an introduction for both stories (mention story and author’s name; brief summary).

    Identify and analyze the conflicts in the stories. Identify the external and internal conflicts if both exist (see lecture on conflict).

    Analyze characters. Describe main characters and explain if character is static or dynamic. If character is static, explain what insight he/she fails to gain. If dynamic, explain what insight character gains (see lecture on character).

    Analyze the settings. Explain whether the setting is specific or general and what about the setting contributes to the central idea or conflict in the story (see lecture on setting).

    Identify the points of view of the stories (first person, third person etc…) and explain how it is appropriate to the story.

    Compare and contrast the language in the stories. Identify any symbols or irony. Describe what is unique about the author’s style of writing (see lecture on language).

    Compare and contrast the tone in the story. Identify which elements contribute to tone: character, setting etc…

    Compare and contrast theme and central ideas of stories. Theme of story is the general category/subject of story. Central idea is the statement this story makes on the theme (see lecture on central idea).



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