Comparative Essay: This topic is basically to compare between to different articles one based in the middle east one ill leave it up to u it just has to be out of the middle east area Custom Essay

    This topic is basically to compare between to different articles one based in the middle east one ill leave it up to u it just has to be out of the middle east area i would prefer it was to be another asian paper which was regarding an environmental issue.
    i will provide you with the middle eastern paper which is translated by googol translate and i will give u the link to sours it..

    simply give a brief description of both essays before you compare. i short summery half a page each. just so the reader knows that they

    are reading about.

    again i will only provide youw ith one essay and you look up the second one..
    here are some things you need to mention in the essay:-

    a comparative essay about two con tries. environmental literature, using specific texts from at least two genres of literature (fiction

    , creative non fiction , critical essay , and poetry ) "i already chose an essay so try to find me a poem or something" the

    theme should be "wilderness, endangered species, sustainability ) what can be said about the effects of the place and culture on

    environmental writing and thought?

    here is the essay by the writer HAdi Nasser Saeed albaqar
    essay topic: pollution threatens the water in the middle east by death (word for word translation you can rephrase it..

    keep in mind it is google translate so just get the idea of it and what he is trying to communicate.

    Research Hypothesis : –

    ( ( Pollution threatens the Arabian Gulf … death ? !) )
    Before the conference ( OPEC), the oil-exporting countries , was held in Riyadh / dealers across of Saudi Arabia … And ended up

    making decisions , my most important is ( ( nappy on the environment ) ) … But any environment ? ! And how? !
    First " : a brief idea :
    We mean the death of rivers and lakes … The threat to the seas and oceans : .. Here environmental death .. Any lose these water

    bodies ability to withstand and pollution treatment , the so-called ability pregnancy LOAD CAPASITY and their ability to self-

    purification , which is that the environment can be addressed itself spontaneously " on the treatment itself SELF PURIFICATION, If

    I lost the environment of these two , both called this environment , whether water or other (Environment Dead ) .. Vllbeih able to

    withstand pollution and get rid of it .. depending " on what can be used by the environment of oxygen , for example ,"

    Aalaoxgen dissolved in water : in antioxidants such pollution . , and this ability as well as endurance depends on the following

    factors :
    1 – periods of time and pollution 2 – the amount of pollution 3 – the number and types of pollutants
    Vazy been strangling the environment, they die … Any dying plant and animal life and Microbiology in. ..
    In Iraq, we have ( ( Diyala River ) ) is a river " dead " as a result " of the sources of pollution such as that into

    which waste and sewage discharge directly Baghdad " and channel the military and many other sources . River is not inside the

    plant does not revive the fish and other neighborhoods .
    Since the Gulf this smothered the Strait of Hormuz and Hoakther Astelama " pollution next to him from the Gulf of Oman .

    Surrounded by countries of oil taking development which is growing explosively and rapidly .. and increase the practical drilling oil

    wells , whether on land or in the Gulf waters . , Increased oil pollution and air pollution Bmahroqat oil, which falls on the Gulf Mbah

    rain " acidic " or sediment moisture … and growing oil tankers and ships waste and civic development of consumer and

    industrial … so we believe that this pollution threatens :
    ( ( Threatens the fate of the Gulf of death ) ) and this is what we will try to be demonstrated by …. ?
    Second : " Introduction :
    Oil in this day and age is the energy that drives the machine civilization this age of modern Western , and without this oil stop this

    civilization . Oil modern industrial civilization : it is a blessing … He states underdeveloped oil producing them is a curse and

    cause Blaúha Aptlaúha and in many ways , including:

    1 – that developed countries have the fear and obsession project : that is affected by the collapse of civilization as a result of

    " the lost control of its resources as a result of " the advancement of the oil producing countries … She lives conflict

    with underdeveloped countries fear this .
    2 – offer the underdeveloped countries and the growing needs , increasingly used for its oil this , and as a result "so shrinking

    quotas developed nations of oil … and especially " after it skidded off the underdeveloped countries and raised the slogan of (

    ( the oil weapon in the battle , rather " than to use a tool development ) ) .. and raised a conflict of fear and fate experienced

    by developed countries … and this fear is paid to employ all their energies scientific and Technological find ( ( alternative energy

    )) is oil … and at the same time employ laboratories political and military to create stumbling blocks for the purpose of reducing

    the march of progress this underdeveloped countries .
    3 – that the oil is depleted source of non-renewable sources of nature and within the next twenty years at most , I have … This will

    start losing its value source for developed countries … As possible and certainly would reach Bbhuthha to find alternative energy

    sources … then the oil will be Abye on oil-producing countries that rely on it to set up plans for progress , where we will find that

    prices are declining . This will affect the movement to social obstructive to progress, and you’ll find these underdeveloped countries

    Nevshl front heel created her developed countries , namely, ( ( the Kyoto Protocol ) ) , and the horror of change warming, which is

    caused by the large number of hydrocarbons resulting from the machines internal combustion … which declined to the first matter ,

    United States signed : Because scientific laboratories did not support the hypothesis of the greenhouse , which produces a high

    percentage of carbon dioxide Alkrabon CO2, and this has shown that scientific Almokhtlrat launch of this gas will not have a

    detrimental effect during the ( (4000 ) ) next year . For the purpose of equalizing the production of carbon dioxide they release

    machinist global technology , we see the need to move up a patch of forest cultivation and reclamation of deserts and expand the green

    cover in the ground … These green areas will absorb carbon dioxide gas that will continue machinist techs in the world produce it

    consistently .
    Theory of colonialism and sabotage the global environment :
    This theory states that adopted was and still is the cause of environmental degradation in the underdeveloped countries … But now is

    working to lay the responsibility of environmental destruction … The underdeveloped countries , and to take this call from stumbling

    block to curtail the march of progress and plans of these underdeveloped countries . The theory of the colonial based on the principle

    developed by ( Pierre Lacoste ) and Finance Minister empire France Tableon third a ( ( division of the world into : countries followed

    and the countries of subsidiaries … and the satellite states that do not get out ( voluntarily ? !) States are preceded by , these

    satellite states sells raw materials only to the state metropolis is not allowed to sell to others … and these satellite states

    market " for the disposal of Industries states that are preceded by , and be a source of employment to them. and took this

    principle takes pictures " multiple and changing according to the variables , but the principle has remained constant , "

    represents the base basic policy ….. and then after a period in 1948 in the month of April were the decisions of the Club of Rome ..

    and decisions of the Commission ( Mido ) from the Massachusetts Institute of the U.S. , and the decisions of the British group

    Alibikulogest … who decided from within their courses is ( the need to stop the growth and progress in the world. and affected only

    one of this decision is the underdeveloped countries or developing countries … then what was in the book (Technology and third World

    countries ) , or ( our appointment in 1980 ) , French writer ( Pierre Rondez ) and this year began developed nations actually "

    the process of making a difference in the world.
    Contamination of the Arabian Gulf . Indicators and results :
    Indicators : In the free trip in the waters of the Arabian Gulf and can be visual observations to see that the water was changed from

    alluvial color of the mouth of the Shatt al- Arab point .. Abboud and then begins to increase the mixed color and black floating spots

    where light oil , and it was this color
    Is prevalent along the journey . This indicates the growing proportion of ships and oil tankers and increased oil extraction operations

    In the United Arab Emirates and the movement of progress accelerated a growing and building operations going towards inside waters of

    the Gulf to build hundreds of artificial islands and tourist cities , which leads to sabotage the environment Bottom Navy instead

    " that extends the movement of progress and development in the same speed and spirit towards deep into the desert to be revived

    and reconstruction to return Gardens of the Thamood returned that did not like it creates in the country. , and this subject worthy of

    consideration : and I went in the process of compiling the facts and elements of a thorough study of the subject.
    Elements of the problem and its consequences
    First " : Vandalism bottom marine environment in the Gulf environment and the bottom of this home represents marine biology and

    reproduction and shelter her , Hbut grow grass and aquatic plants and snails and arthropods and bottom -minute plankton and places

    resorted to by Fish and
    There are upsetting the balance of biological and fish die en masse in the waves at regular intervals and unpredictable for their

    places in the – Sea Alsnat example " ) .
    1 – in the United Arab Emirates and off Amart Beach (Dubai) in 2005, the establishment of an island of 88 World Islands project in a

    timely manner were used (10) giant drilling machines a day , " was to bridge the 181 million cubic meters of sand … and runs a

    fleet of (14) the transfer of a ship (5) five million tons of rock …
    A Palm Island was built in the Gulf and other islands , and work is going on in full swing .
    2 – State of Qatar followed suit … As well as the State of Bahrain .
    II " : the high rate of pollution from fuel ships and vessels : the growing number and varieties … and the leakage of oil from

    the oil drilling , or leaking from oil tankers . This floats on the surface of the water will prevent access to fixed ratio of oxygen

    to revive … as well as water leakage warm …
    Third " : the high rate of pollution from the output secretions development of civil , commercial and industrial to the Gulf

    Fourth " : pollution Joe Gulf and its cities : stacks of ships and laboratories and gas , oil refining and energy production

    projects . And high humidity in the atmosphere of the Gulf , this leads to a high percentage of acidity in the waters of the Gulf. This

    can be seen pollution rising incidence of asthma among the population there , and observation of the effects of Other .
    The effects of pollution :
    1 – waves appearance of dead fish .
    2 – the disappearance or the scarcity of pearl oysters , which was issued by the Gulf as the finest
    Pearl in the world.
    3 – deposition of pollution ( heavy metals , lead and mercury ) in meat marine biologist because they feed on the grass where the

    bottom deposited pollution , and pose a risk to human consumption .
    4 – The high proportion of Asthma and Allergies among the residents of the territories .
    Marine and stream pollution Mbah Arabian Gulf :
    The ocean water movement have affected by several factors … This movement is called : B ( ( stream maritime ) ) … It is generally

    as follows :
    1 – north of the equator : ocean water is moving towards the east clockwise … The south line Alastote water is moving towards the

    east clockwise … And I imagine that the ocean water at the equator Aldfiqi away opposite to the north and the other to the south ,

    the name of God the Merciful ( ( Marj Bahrain meet isthmus between them they do not transgress this tortured Firat This salt Agag ) ) ,

    and studies indicate that there is a river giant of fresh water into the ocean Atlantic , being between two walls of salt water

    brackish without mixed therein.
    This kind of stream of maritime works on current events for the transfer of warm water toward the poles and cold water them , worked to

    bring balance to the thermal waters of the seas … and this stream is working on a transfer of objects and pollution around the beach

    and the poles.
    Pacific Arab ( Arabian Sea ) or the Indian Ocean , the Gulf of Oman affected by the movement of this stream is entering the Strait of

    Hormuz and collide with the shore of Iran and sliding align it and then back section of the stream toward the beach Emirates and

    sliding align it to orbit around the Sea ( Alsnat ) and San Qatar Peninsula … a here sweep with pollution of the Strait of Hormuz off

    the Iranian coast and the coast of the United Arab Emirates United Aerlah .
    2 – stream of maritime movements of the tide : the tide is caused by " Jazpeta of the sun and the moon … When this rise in the

    sea is a drop in the Arabian Gulf within …. When the tide occurrence in the Sea ( Arabian Sea ) tends to hit the mainstream stream

    toward the Strait Hormuz, and Iran is moving towards the beach and at the same the previous move and lead to the same result. weak and

    there is a stream going into the Gulf . , and at the time of the tide in the Gulf as well as the current is moving towards the coast of

    the United Arab Emirates , a sweep here with materials and pollutants.
    3 – Marine stream coming from the Pacific and South -East Asia :
    Affected by the Gulf hurricanes and volcanic eruptions Navy in Southeast Asia and caused these bursts waves wavelengths numerous ,

    continuous (such as the tsunami ) and the recent cyclone that hit Bangladesh , add " to the hurricane El Nino … and this lead to

    the entry of the waves of the sea to the Persian Gulf and lead to The same effect
    4 – Marine stream generated within the Gulf as follows :
    A – When entering the Shatt al-Arab to the waters of the Gulf and direction inside the Shatt al-Arab to be gushing , " nautical

    " first aligned to the coast of Iran is going toward the mouth of the Shatt al-Arab , and the second walk -aligned Slhal Kuwaiti

    and reverse the Shatt al- Arab and the mouth of the spins with his movement at the top of the Gulf of hand Iran, Kuwait and hand back

    with the Shatt al- Arab , where they accumulate the highest percentage of contaminants and going Bmhamat beaches .
    B – Marine stream because of the wind blowing and collide Iranian mountain chain and then trickle down the mountain slope slide with

    Iran for the return flow twisted toward the Gulf waters off the beaches Arab Mkoth " stream " nautical " sweeping "

    with pollutants .
    Pollution has no outlet " to leave the Persian Gulf :
    We conclude that the pollution remains going on inside the Gulf , add " to that he gets other contamination from the Gulf of Oman

    because of the stream of maritime … and these pollutants are mostly concentrated on the shores of the United Arab Emirates ibex most

    in the circle of the basin extends from the state and the extension of the San peninsula of Qatar. pollution and what goes with Saudi

    and Kuwaiti coast .. while the Iranian beaches are less polluted " .. So abound Fish

    In these beaches rather than the beaches in Arabic, in addition " to the presence of other marine life . –
    For these reasons that led to the destruction of ( bottom marine environment ) , the Almlhz that repeated waves of death fish or fish

    Travgahl phenomenon Tnavs for hunting , and not the validity of these fish for human consumption .
    Sources of contamination of waters of the Gulf : Gulf words of Big Lake has one entrance overwhelmed in the Strait of Hormuz and the

    islands scattered in the entrance … Double the extraction of oil … And multiply the preparation of oil tankers and merchant ships

    … The sources of pollution can be summarized this as follows :
    1 – extruded from these ships and their fuel and other droppings .
    2 – crude oil spill as a result of accidents and drilling in the Gulf waters .
    3 – thermal pollution from these vessels machines .
    4 – the result of " stacks and stacks of ships industrial facilities Halmassat petroleum … With high humidity and rain Vtngar

    acidic pH PH in the Gulf waters, this affects marine life . And air pollution that impact the health of the population the prevalence

    of asthma and allergies .
    5 – result " to nourish marine biologist and shrimp and other , their food , the contaminants are deposited contaminated meat in

    this Almaúnat and transmitted to humans and may be the reason for many diseases ? !
    Gulf responsibility of this problem :
    The waters of the Arabian Gulf in danger complains signs of serious illness has been moving towards environmental degradation and

    disturbed the balance of marine life . Liarits and direct lies on the Gulf states and then countries in the region and the countries of

    the world and specialized organizations wold.
    Suggestions and recommendations
    1 immediately stop " operations change the topography and geography of the bottom of the Gulf , stop and make any changes or

    create islands and two sons tourist within the waters of the Gulf … For the purpose of absorption and direct social and economic

    growth and industry in the Gulf states this , and find a means of scientific and planning , for the purpose of guiding the growth and

    Altmd n about the depth of the desert and find the resources to provide adequate water for Chgeraa and planting and rehabilitation of

    housing , tourism, agriculture , industry and Aaltrfait on a global level … and there are a lot of studies and research projects in

    which we will try later .
    2 – Do not make any excavations for oil in the Gulf waters and the need to provide maximum environmental protection.
    3 – and given the " richness enjoyed by the Gulf states … We propose the study of the establishment of the line Strategy for the

    transfer of Iraq’s oil , and the Gulf oil … , Qatar, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates and Oman … and toward one of the ports of

    Oman on the Arabian Ocean . On the other hand Iran is Bashae a strategic line for the transfer of another one of its oil to ports on

    the Gulf of Oman
    4 – D Stratejan two rail roads and land transport . Parallel to the oil .. Alttjara transport and tourism .
    5 – determine the number of flights and vessels within the waters of the Gulf .
    6 – the establishment of competent institutions to monitor the safety of Gulf waters and marine life .
    7 – Focus on projects Io and culture in the marine environment Gulf … In all universities , colleges and schools and at all stages

    Aldrased and research .

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