Comparative Analysis

    Topic: Comparative Analysis

    Order Description
    Please please please
    make sure you follow this comparative analysis
    section 1 intro:
    intro each 3 stories
    give any necessary background (i don’t think you will need it)(no bio please)
    state signposts
    brief summaries in this section: separate paragraph and include in signposts
    section 2 point #1:
    outline point and state why discussing
    discuss in separate paragraph how that point relate to each story:
    how does A relate to this point?
    how does B relate to this point and how does it relate to A?
    how does C relate to this point and how does it relate to A and B?
    any time you want to talk about story “citation” plz
    compare the languages in story A, B and C

    section 3 point #2:
    Outline point and state why discussing
    discuss in separate paragraph how that point relate to each story:
    how does A relate to this point?
    how does B relate to this point and how does it relate to A?
    how does C relate to this point and how does it relate to A and B?
    section 4 point #3:
    Outline point and state why discussing
    discuss in separate paragraph how that point relate to each story:
    how does A relate to this point?
    how does B relate to this point and how does it relate to A?
    how does C relate to this point and how does it relate to A and B?

    Section 5 conclusion:
    summarize your points (not the story)
    reiterate the significance of each of your points

    APA style make sure reference shows you read the story from actual book which is this link show you the book

    Provide a word count on your title page

    All of these stories is in that book “Short Fiction” 2nd Edition / An anthology

    Story A : A clean, well lighted place By ernest Hemingway
    Story B : Before the law By Franz Kafka
    Story C : Benny the war in europe and myerson’s daughter Bella By Mordecai Richler

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