company research

    please find information below

    the company name is Circuits & Cables

    their web-cite

    information need to cover in the essay are answering these questions

    Explain briefly what you learned about the company. Remember some of these sources may contain favorable bias about the company.

    The following is a list of suggestions for things you may want to consider when researching a prospective employer. Some of the information is easy to obtain. Some of the more important information to help you make a good job decision is hard to find. These suggestions might also serve as the basis for questions you want to ask during the interview and particularly during a company visit – some things you shouldn’t ask directly but you can get a feel for what’s going on by being observant of the work environments you visit.

    Is the company privately or publicly owned?
    Get an overview feel for the company history – how did they get to where they are today?
    Is the company part of a larger parent organization – how do they fit in the company structure?
    Where are the company offices, plants and if appropriate, major stores? Any new plans for expansion?
    How big is the company – how many employees work at the various major locations?
    Does the company have any international connections?
    How is the company’s financial health?
    How has the company stock done over the past 12 months?
    Annual sales growth or decline over the past 3-5 years.
    What’s the financial outlook for the next several years?
    What’s the company’s standing in the industry? Percent of market share?
    Is the industry declining, static or growing?
    What are the primary products and services – anything unique that sets them apart?
    What’s being planned for new products and marketing opportunities?
    What’s the company reputation like – public opinion, EPA, OSHA, Better Bus Bureau, etc.
    Any business practices or ethics issues that might make you uncomfortable?
    Look for current news articles about the company.
    Look at the trade journals for this industry and see what’s being said about the company.
    What are the major “challenges” the company is facing now or in the recent past?
    How does the company train and develop new employees? Provide tuition assistance?
    What’s the typical career path for someone in your field?
    Name, address and phone number for the HR recruiter.
    Names and titles of the management people in the areas where you are interested in working.
    Salary information in your career field for the company, industry and geographic region.
    Company benefits programs – insurance, health plans, gym, investment plans, vacation time, etc.
    Job descriptions and evaluation plan for the job you are considering.
    Does the company have a high turnover rate among its employee?
    Any insight you can gather on how the company treats employees.
    Work environment – casual/formal, travel requirements, hours, stress, variety of assignments, etc.

    End with a paragraph on your opinion about this company – does it present a good employment opportunity for Engineering Technology majors? Would you work there and why? What would be a good question to ask these people during an interview?
    Cite all of your references and sources.

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