Comp-XM Business Competency Exam


    In Comp-XM® you are promoted to CEO and given a company to run in an industry with a similar interface and decisions. There will be 3 competitors and they’ll be managed by the computer. As you run your company, the board presents you with a set of questions after each round. The questions are drawn from all business domains, from accounting to marketing to strategy. Each question is like a snowflake – unique. Questions are modified by the current conditions in the industry. Each student’s industry is slightly different when launched to present a unique environment. Comp-XM® is divided into two parts:

    A business simulation, similar to Capstone®, that you run as an individual

    A series of quizzes, called Board Queries asks you questions based on your unique simulation results. This is a written essay portion of the exam based on weekly Capsim data and concepts.

    To begin, login to > click Comp-XM® > go through the pre-work on the left.

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