community report

    community report

    This course identifies many forms of oppression that function together to create an unequal society. As much as inequality continues, people also collaborate to meet the challenges of inequality. In this assignment, students will explore the challenges and solutions to an unequal society through an analysis of an organization working to address inequality. Suggestions are listed at the end of this assignment.

    For this assignment, choose one community organization that is dedicated to some social, cultural or artistic purpose that addresses at least one of the social inequalities explained in our course materials. Please do not choose an organization that you are already involved in, as your previous engagement with the organization may constrict the capacity to learn and to critically asses the organization. Through the organization’s own material, what others may have written about it, and if possible, your own interviews with members of the organization, prepare a report which describes a form of inequality extant in our society, and a description and analysis of the organization that you have identified that contests or works to ameliorate the consequences of inequality.

    The report should discuss but not be limited to the following:
    the name of the organization, the explanation of social issues from course materials that the organization addresses, stated purpose of the organization and your assessment of how well the organization meets the purpose who the organization serves and whether the population that is recipient to the services are involved in leadership and decision making of the organization the types of activities it supports, its sources of funding, its organizational structure, whether it is a profit or nonprofit group, its history.

    The most important part of the assignment is its analytic focus, i.e., discuss how the purpose, function, or other aspects of this organization reflect the major themes or ideas about cultural diversity and inequality that we are studying in this class. Be specific. Do not import quotes to describe and explain. Instead, describe and explain in your own words, using course materials as resources. Be sure to cite the source of all information that is not common knowledge.

    Do not import materials directly from the organizations materials, but rather, apply course ideas and information, describe and analyze, and explain your findings in your original writing.

    The Community Report is intended to be an integrative essay; you are expected to connect the readings from different sections of the book, particularly the readings from unit 3 with the findings from your own research. You must also demonstrate that you are able to use the concepts covered in the unit in an intelligent fashion. The paper must be posted to the Dropbox in Unit 3 by Midnight on the last day of class.


    An incomplete list of possible organization follows. The organizations may or may not represent the beliefs of the university or the instructor and is only meant to provide ideas.

    Algebra Project: ( “nonprofit organization that uses mathematics as an organizing tool to ensure quality public school education for every child in America. We believe that every child has a right to a quality education to succeed in this technology-based society and to exercise full citizenship. We achieve this by using best educational research and practices, and building coalitions to create systemic changes.”

    Teaching Tolerance ( “working to foster school environments that are inclusive and nurturing – classrooms where equality and justice are not just taught, but lived. The program points to the future, helping teachers prepare a new generation to live in a diverse world.”

    Southern Poverty Law Center: ( “The Southern Poverty Law Center is a nonprofit civil rights organization dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry, and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of society.”

    Project Fair: ( Dedicated to wider diversity in journalism, and fairness and accuracy in reporting.

    Grace Lee Bog Center: ( “Our mission is to nurture the transformational leadership capacities of individuals and organizations committed to creating productive, sustainable, ecologically responsible, and just communities. Through local, national and international networks of activists, artists and intellectuals we foster new ways of living, being and thinking to face the challenges of the 21st century.”

    Plan International: ( Promoting children’s rights end through working to reduce children’s poverty.

    National Organization for Colored People: ( The oldest and largest existing organization working for equal rights in the United States.

    Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays: ( Allies of Lesbians and Gays working for equality.

    Heifer: ( Working to end hunger through giving livestock and agricultural training to people at risk of hunger.

    Glide: ( Working to end the cycles of suffering and poverty, offers food, health care, anger management classes, shelter for battered and homeless women and children

    Insight Center for Economic Development: ( “Works in collaboration with foundations, nonprofits, educational institutions, government and businesses to develop, strengthen and promote programs and public policy that promote good jobs, promote education systems for parents and children, help individuals and communities build educational and financial assets.”

    No More Deaths: ( “No More Deaths is an organization whose mission is to end death and suffering on the U.S./Mexico border through civil initiative: the conviction that people of conscience must work openly and in community to uphold fundamental human rights. Our work embraces the Faith-Based Principles for Immigration Reform.”

    The Sentencing Project: ( “Working for a fair and effective criminal justice system by promoting reforms in sentencing law and practice and promoting alternative to incarceration.”

    Refugee Transitions: ( Provides immigrant and refugee families tools that they need to make the transition to living in the U.S.


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