

    There are various ways to communicate with other people and one of the main and first means of communication is via texts and writing. Many people believe that as technologies improve day by day and the communication ways become more complicated and developed, people use primary methods of communication including face-to-face communication less and as a result, the world will experience a communication and social decline. However, some other people believe that these new kinds of information foster the relationships and make people closer to each other in our modern world.

    A very important point is that from the time script was invented, writing has been one very important way of communication and it seems it is still very important.

    There is a Chinese proverb that says, “The faintest ink is more powerful than the strongest memory.” In my opinion, this saying is really true because when we talk to a person and communicate with him orally, his mind may be preoccupied with many other issues, or he may have various feelings at that moment which prevents her from remembering what we tell her. In fact, he may hear us but not listen to us! But when we communicate with somebody through writing, the person can refer to it even later when he has more concentration. Also, he cannot that we have not said a certain thing!

    Also, I agree that sometimes it is really easier to write something rather than saying it. When I met my wife for the first time and “I fell in love with her, it was really difficult to express my love to her face to face, so I asked her to marry me via Yahoo Messenger!

    Another important point about communication through texts is that texts can be registered even for a long time. For example, 2500 years ago when workers were building Takht-e-Jamshid (a palace related to the kings of Hakhamaneshi) in Shiraz
    (a city in Iran, they write all the labor rules on clay tablets. That is why nowadays we know about the rights of workers at that time, their insurance conditions, the pregnant workers’ rights, the workers’ earnings, etc. In fact, in my opinion, if texts did not exist, we did not have something called HISTORY today!
    The writer of the attached is completely correct that the field of history would not exist if it were not for the existence of written texts. While historians have recently decided that artifacts count as history, for centuries the fundamental work of historians has been to organize documents and make sense of them. This raises important questions about the nature of culture itself.

    If we did not have written texts, who would we be? What would our pasts be like? Would there be as much continuity with the past? What we would do in order to move forward with new ideas? (Would we even know we had new ideas?)

    Can you identify a circumstance in your own life where putting something in text led to bad consequences as circumstances or contexts changed?

    During my last year’s exams while in campus, I put one question in my phone in the form of a text. The examiner saw me and demand to view my phone. My intention was to revise the question later but the examiner concluded that I was sending the text to someone who could help me cheat on the exams.

    3. How did the readers relate what you wrote under one condition when you were now under a different condition (and texting drunk does not count for this exercise)?

    In the examination set up that is basically cheating, however, if it might have been in an ordinary class set up the lecturer could not have suspected my intentions.

    4. What did the medium do to your expression and how might you have changed what you wrote now that you have experienced the negatives of its permanence?

    The medium changed the way my lecturer ranked my abilities in class and my personality. If I had written a social text on my phone it would not have caused any problems. Therefore, therefore there is need for people to be given a chance to explain themselves and develop an understanding with the audience.

    The above reflections on personality and negotiators are important given that negotiators are trained to speak to be understood (Fisher, Ury & Patton, 1991). Whereas such training will work towards the goal of negotiations, the realities of these perspectives is undeniable. For these reasons, the beginning quote remains a valid statement regarding negotiation and eventualities surrounding written text.


    The attached 2 writer suggests that he needed the opportunity to explain what he was doing. However, I suspect the medium he used would have made that impossible.

    Why does putting a message in your phone make further discussion impossible? This is a clear case of the technology determining the meaning of the text, an example of McLuhan’s statement, the medium is the message.
    150 words plus references

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