communication research project

    Guidelines for the Final Project

    Professor Steen
    Communication Studies 128


    See guidelines for the project proposal.

    Length and format

    The final paper should be 3,000-5,000 words and follow the outline below. (The length is given in words rather than pages, since today’s word processors can use formatting to change lengths dramatically.)

    The format should follow the APA style (cf. sample paper to illustrate formatting).

    Research tools and SurveyMonkey lets you create free surveys. However, you need to verify that you can export the results in a csv file, so that you can use Excel or a statistical tool to generate graphs and charts.
    Chadwyck Periodicals Archive
    JSTOR Periodicals Archive
    PsychINFO (you need to be on campus or connected via VPN, see guide)
    Google Scholar
    Paper outline


    Typical content of each component

    1. Introduction

    Provide a theoretical framework for the general phenomenon you are investigating — for instance:

    Cite existing scholarly work, or comment on its paucity
    Discuss how your project relates to work in neighboring fields, such as psychology, linguistics, economics, or sociology
    Present the key ideas and state what needs further investigation
    Describe the particular mass media phenomenon you are investigating
    Show that you are limiting your project appropriately
    Mention existing work done in this particular area, and spell out the key ideas that belong to this area
    Present your hypothesis

    It should link your theoretical framework to the particular phenomenon you are investigating
    It should be testable
    Be explicit about how the data you have collected can be brought to bear on your hypothesis
    Make sure that you are arguing something that your data throws light on
    Make a non-obvious claim that requires evidence
    2. Methods

    Present your data-collection methods
    Describe and justify your selection of subjects
    Describe the criteria you used when formulating your questions
    Describe how you recruited subjects
    Describe how you presented the survey, or in other ways collected the data
    Describe any complications that arose in the process of collecting the data
    3. Results

    Present your data, for instance:
    Describe the number of respondents and the nature of the results
    Describe how you aggregated the data, or in other ways made it suitable for use
    Present tables that summarize your results
    Give examples of responses and justify your selection
    Describe both typical and anomalous responses
    4. Discussion

    Explain the status of your hypothesis
    Did the results support your hypothesis?
    Is the data irrelevant to your hypothesis?
    What are the areas that need more data?
    Explain the significance of your hypothesis
    How does it relate to your theoretical framework?
    How does it relate to previous work in the field?
    What are any remaining questions?
    5. Conclusion

    Summarize your findings and their bearing on your hypothesis
    Explain the scope of validity of your findings
    Discuss what your project has not answered
    What would need to be done to generalize your results?
    Are there new questions that arise from your project?

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