Communication Flow

    Communication Flow

    Describe the primary way information about management decisions flows
    in your current or prior workplace.

    Explain how you would improve the flow of business communication in
    your current or prior workplace, if given the opportunity.

    Describe a recent experience of poor listening habits that you have
    either noticed in others or recognized in yourself. What was the
    result of this instance of poor listening?
    3:”Electronic Messages”

    Describe an instance when you sent an electronic message without
    thoroughly reviewing it before hitting “send”. What could you have
    done differently? Or describe a message that you received from someone
    (such as a coworker or friend) that did not seem to be planned
    carefully and may have created a problem.
    4:”Windows 7”

    Create a scenario in which you would need to personalize a system.

    . List and describe two features all three editions have in common.
    Choose one feature that is unique to Windows 7 Ultimate and explain
    why it appeals to an organization.
    5: Windows 7

    Analyze the installation process for Windows 7. Select the step that
    you believe creates the most installation issues, and explain why you
    believe this step creates the most issues.

    Choose two factors to consider before planning a Windows 7 upgrade and
    explain their importance.

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